Spaghetti with Prawns in Sugo

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This would have to be one of my all time favourite dishes! The juicy and delicate prawns in the sweet tomato sugo is amazing. And spaghetti is the perfect pasta to match, as it’s silky and the light sauce clings to it just so.

Spaghetti with Prawns in Sugo


1/4 cup olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
4 fresh ripe tomatoes, seeds removed and roughly chopped
1 tablespoon tomato paste
400g raw prawns, peeled and butterflied
400g spaghetti
Sea salt


Heat a large pan over a medium heat. Add the olive oil and garlic, and fry til fragrant. Add in the diced tomatoes and tomato paste, along with half a cup of water. Season with about half a teaspoon of salt, stir, and simmer on low for about 45 minutes. Top up with a little water if it starts to dry out.

Boil a large pot of salted water and cook your spaghetti. When the pasta is almost done, add the prawns to the tomato sugo and gently cook for a few minutes, flipping as they cook. Add the spaghetti to the prawns and sugo, mix well, and add a little pf the pasta water. Keep mixing, adding a bit more pasta water as you go, until you have a silky and loose sauce. The pasta will continue to soak up the sauce as it sits, so a little loose is good!

Taste for seasoning. Scatter over some basil.

Serves 4.


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